openva/rs-video-processor tries to mogrify text files

waldoj opened this issue · 0 comments

Here's an unusual recurrent problem:

mogrify: improper image header `./' @ error/txt.c/ReadTXTImage/442.
mogrify: improper image header `./00000002.jpg.bill.jpg.txt' @ error/txt.c/ReadTXTImage/442.
mogrify: improper image header `./' @ error/txt.c/ReadTXTImage/442.
mogrify: improper image header `./' @ error/txt.c/ReadTXTImage/442.
mogrify: improper image header `./00000004.jpg.bill.jpg.txt' @ error/txt.c/ReadTXTImage/442.
mogrify: improper image header `./' @ error/txt.c/ReadTXTImage/442.

My best guess is that video directories aren't being deleted, and directory names are being reused, when they're already full of text files. So mogrify tries to run on text files.

The solution is probably to ensure that these directories are deleted properly.