
Senate video ratio is wrong

waldoj opened this issue · 2 comments

It's 4:3 as captured, but it looks like it's recorded at 16:9. But we're not doing anything to change the ratio in capturing the video, so what's going on here?

Yup. As of November 18, 2019, they're saving all 16:9 video as 4:3.

This is gonna be a Whole Thing. I think the solution is to add a new step to Senate video — check the aspect ratio and, if it's 4:3, re-encode it as 16:9.

Argh, right...there's not even a clear place to do this. It's get_video.php that retrieves the video and stores it on S3, and not, like, a shell script where mplayer could be inserted into the pipeline.

This might call for Elastic Transcoder. If that can convert video on S3 buckets — just replace in place — that'd be easiest.