
no more connection to PyViCare PT2 fuelcell

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I got via Python values from the fuelcell for to controll the fuelcell since some years with and without connection. But since mid of may I have more problems.
I found a solution when I read the issue: pip install pyvicare' doesn't work anymore on Raspberry PI #311 and with the help form crazyfx1. Now it runs again but always in midnight the connection was lost for 1 oder 2 hours.

But since 08.06.2023 at 18:07 I lost the connection to PyViCare.
Here the script with runs years for to collect values from the fuelcell.

**import sys
import logging
from PyViCare.PyViCare import PyViCare

client_id = ""
email = ""
password = ""

vicare = PyViCare()
vicare.initWithCredentials(email, password, client_id, "")
device = vicare.devices[0]
t = device.asFuelCell()
circuit = t.circuits[0] #select heating circuit
burner = t.getBurner(0)
Komma =";"
ZW = str(t.getDomesticHotWaterStorageTemperature())
Wert = ZW + Komma
ZW = str(t.getOutsideTemperature())
Wert = Wert + ZW + Komma
ZW = str(circuit.getSupplyTemperature())
Wert = Wert + ZW + Komma
ZW = str(t.getReturnTemperature())
Wert = Wert + ZW + Komma
ZW = str(t.getDomesticHotWaterDesiredTemperature())
Wert = Wert + ZW + Komma
ZW = str(t.getDomesticHotWaterConfiguredTemperature())
Wert = Wert + ZW + Komma
ZW = str(burner.getActive())
Wert = Wert + ZW + Komma
ZW = str(t.getOneTimeCharge())
Wert = Wert + ZW + Komma
ZW = str(circuit.getDesiredTemperatureForProgram("reduced"))
Wert = Wert + ZW + Komma
ZW = str(circuit.getDesiredTemperatureForProgram("normal"))
Wert = Wert + ZW + Komma
ZW = str(circuit.getDesiredTemperatureForProgram("comfort"))
Wert = Wert + ZW + Komma
ZW = circuit.getActiveProgram()
Wert = Wert + ZW + Komma
ZW = str(burner.getStarts())
Wert = Wert + ZW + Komma
ZW = str(burner.getHours())
Wert = Wert + ZW + Komma
ZW = str(t.getHydraulicSeparatorTemperature())
Wert = Wert + ZW + Komma

When I run this script I got the following errors:

Python 3.9.7 (default, Sep 16 2021, 16:59:28) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
IPython 7.27.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python.
runfile('Y:/Hausautomation/Raspberry/sicherungen/iobroker-data/python/', wdir='Y:/Hausautomation/Raspberry/sicherungen/iobroker-data/python')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Y:\Hausautomation\Raspberry\sicherungen\iobroker-data\python\", line 11, in
vicare.initWithCredentials(email, password, client_id, "")
File "C:\Users\Peter.conda\envs\spyder\lib\site-packages\PyViCare\", line 26, in initWithCredentials
File "C:\Users\Peter.conda\envs\spyder\lib\site-packages\PyViCare\", line 31, in initWithExternalOAuth
File "C:\Users\Peter.conda\envs\spyder\lib\site-packages\PyViCare\", line 43, in __loadInstallations
installations = self.oauth_manager.get(
File "C:\Users\Peter.conda\envs\spyder\lib\site-packages\PyViCare\", line 37, in get
response = self.__oauth.get(f"{API_BASE_URL}{url}", timeout=31).json()
File "C:\Users\Peter.conda\envs\spyder\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 555, in get
return self.request('GET', url, **kwargs)
File "C:\Users\Peter.conda\envs\spyder\lib\site-packages\authlib\integrations\requests_client\", line 109, in request
return super(OAuth2Session, self).request(
File "C:\Users\Peter.conda\envs\spyder\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 528, in request
prep = self.prepare_request(req)
File "C:\Users\Peter.conda\envs\spyder\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 456, in prepare_request
File "C:\Users\Peter.conda\envs\spyder\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 320, in prepare
self.prepare_auth(auth, url)
File "C:\Users\Peter.conda\envs\spyder\lib\site-packages\requests\", line 556, in prepare_auth
r = auth(self)
File "C:\Users\Peter.conda\envs\spyder\lib\site-packages\authlib\integrations\requests_client\", line 24, in call
File "C:\Users\Peter.conda\envs\spyder\lib\site-packages\authlib\integrations\requests_client\", line 21, in ensure_active_token
raise InvalidTokenError()
InvalidTokenError: token_invalid:

I have deleted the but no success.

Can you help me to reconnect to the fuelcell?
