
Client lib: Asd_client::partial_get uses huge timeout in partial read

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void Asd_client::partial_get(string &key, vector<slice> &slices) {

  asd_protocol::write_partial_get_request(_mb, key, slices);
  message response = _transport->read_message();
  bool success;
  asd_protocol::read_partial_get_response(response, _status, success);


  for (auto &slice : slices) {
    _transport->read_exact((char *), slice.length);
void Asd_client::check_status(const char *function_name) {
  if (not _status.is_ok()) {
    ALBA_LOG(DEBUG, function_name << " received rc:"
                                  << (uint32_t)_status._return_code)
    throw asd_exception(_status._return_code, function_name);

=> the transport->read_exact calls in partial_get_request have a timeout of Clock::max().