
The mac_learning_moved indicator is very high, ovs High CPU utilization.

zhaiyj opened this issue · 5 comments

Based on the subject line (as the linked picture is not working), this means you have a MAC address rapidly moving from one port to another. You need to figure out which MAC address this is. You might be able to dump the fdb table multiple times and hopefully see the MAC address. There is no log message for this to be enabled.

br-public-net port mac move port high, mac is 0:00:00:13:14:a1 , but con not find this mac address.

Guess you need to figure out who on ports 3 and 4 is generating/using this MAC address, as this seems to be moving around. If it's attached to a remote switch, you need to figure out why it is switching ports this mac to different ports. This does not look like an OVS problem.

thanks, problem solved