
jtrTestSuite fails in some situations

Closed this issue · 5 comments

A command like this, that used to work, is failing now:

I expect 5 tests performed (not two).

./ -noprelims -stoponerror -type raw-sha256-opencl raw-sha512-ng-opencl sha256crypt-opencl sha512crypt-opencl xsha512-ng-opencl -passthru "-pla:0 -de:1"
- JtR-TestSuite (jtrts). Version 1.12.11, July 20, 2012.  By, Jim Fougeron & others
- Testing:  John the Ripper password cracker, version [linux-x86-64-opencl]

John Jumbo build detected.

form=sha256crypt-opencl           guesses: 1500 0:00:00:01 DONE  [PASSED]
.pot CHK:sha256crypt-opencl       guesses: 1500 0:00:00:01 DONE  [PASSED]

form=sha512crypt-opencl           guesses: 1500 0:00:00:01 DONE  [PASSED]
.pot CHK:sha512crypt-opencl       guesses: 1500 0:00:00:01 DONE  [PASSED]

All tests passed without error.  Performed 2 tests.  Time used was 18 seconds

On the exact JtR build having the problems, please do this:

/john > JtROutput.txt

Zip or tar that, to preserve all whitespace exactly, and email me that exact file.

It is case related. I tried some formats that has uppercase in their names: ZIP, PDF, Clipperz, mine, ... I always get a NO tests were performed. I sent you the file.

$ ./ -noprelims -stoponerror -type PDF # (or pdf)
'- JtR-TestSuite (jtrts). Version 1.12.11, July 20, 2012. By, Jim Fougeron & others
'- Testing: John the Ripper password cracker, version [linux-x86-64-opencl]

John Jumbo build detected.

NO tests were performed. Time used was 0 seconds

Aha, this is probably trivial. Before the 1.8 core merge, all format names was printed in lowercase. Now they are case-insignificantly parsed instead. I presume TS does some case-aware regexp somewhere that no longer works.

Yes, very trivial fix. I am working to get it pushed into git right now.