
misc: sync table of hardware to

pktpls opened this issue · 1 comments

This idea is more of a service to downstream projects.

Apart from the various build profile files generated by OpenWrt buildroot, the community-curated Table of Hardware is a super useful resource, which helps downstream projects customize their builds based on device features. Its CSV dump is available at

It would be quite neat to have the CSV dump included in - we run mirrors for that within our mesh network @freifunk-berlin and on little battery-powered SBCs. That helps us having everything needed to build device firmware even in rough/disconnected/broken physical locations of the network, and saves us bandwidth towards the internet gateway locations.

We already started syncing the dump to our own release server recently, but I think this could be useful for others as well.

P.S. love your hard buildbot work in the past weeks and months! I've been grinding buildbot too, for our own builds :-)

ynezz commented

Could you perhaps ask on the mailing list? It quite doesn't fit into this project, not moving to openwrt/openwrt/issues as its not a bug, but feature request.