
Compiling with `build --config nonccl` fails

Opened this issue · 1 comments

To reproduce, as of last night (hash 5c3f217):

$ python --backend=CUDA --cuda_compute_capabilities="6.1,9.0"
$ bazel build //xla/...  --spawn_strategy=sandboxed --test_output=all
ERROR: /opt/bazel-cache/xla/xla/tsl/cuda/BUILD.bazel:277:11: no such target '@local_config_nccl//:nccl_headers': target 'nccl_headers' not declared in package '' defined by /opt/bazel-cache/_bazel_janpf/f47ea882d54bd691783fc588
c041daa9/external/local_config_nccl/BUILD (Tip: use `query "@local_config_nccl//:*"` to see all the targets in that package) and referenced by '//xla/tsl/cuda:nccl_stub'

While looking at the generated xla_configure.bazelrc I noticed the line:

build --config nonccl

Rerunning it with --nccl seems to get it to work (it is still compiling, but it passed that part):

$  python --backend=CUDA --cuda_compute_capabilities="6.1,9.0" --nccl
$ bazel build //xla/...  --spawn_strategy=sandboxed --test_output=all