
XLA CollectiveOpsUtil does not include kReduceScatter

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When debugging the XLA while loop unroller channel id creation, we found that HloOpcode::kReduceScatter was not included as a collective to generate new channel id for.

While loop unroller location:

if (IsCollectiveWithChannelId(body_inst)) {

Collective ops util location:

bool IsCollectiveWithChannelId(const HloInstruction* instruction) {

We have added kReduceScatter locally and it fixed our channel id issues.


  1. Why is kReduceScatter not listed in the list of collective operations to replace channel id with?
  2. Can kReduceScatter be added to the list if this is a bug?

Can you please check whether f584acb fixes this issue?

I think it is fixed, please let us know in case this is still a problem.