
Convert get_level() to return floating point value.

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All headsets should return floating point sensor levels.

Doesn't regular Epoc models just return integers?

I doubt it.

oh yeah, weren't we supposed to get you an epoc csv?

Yeah we need to know what they should really be.

A dump of both running at the same time would be optimal, if possible.

with no electrodes attached or anything.

bill... in Xavier, theres an extra window for "Sequence number" and it shows this graph, that creates a line that increments up... and then drops off sharply... basically like the "counter"

i'm curious.... you said there were 2 counters... so i wonder what MiniFire's looks like, when its in Epoc+ mode.... whether theres maybe 2 or more lines?

pretty sure its a graph for the counter though. thought you might find that interesting.

i dont think i'll be able to do the CSV for you, unless i'm missing something... its asking me for a license key, or to be signed in.

i probably could sign in using my emotv id, but i'm not sure that'd be such a hot idea.

The render is not right, the data is structured differently in Epoc+.

so did we even come up with something workable with Epoc+ ?

i was kind of confused with all we had going on.

The data is decrypted but is 16 bit values instead, so the levels are not accurate at all.

I've been playing with the data to see if I can get it to match the pure eeg output.

okay i see now. can you give me a quick sample of the data you are trying to decode.


There a packet length inserted every packet and some text I added, it kind of looks like two bytes per sensor.

So I've been trying to convert the bytes to floats or doubles using struct pack and unpack.

I was getting some stuff that looked like this:


but it didn't hold up entirely.

You cannot save recording with pure.eeg without a subscription. Tomorrow I can put my headset in epoc mode and do some recordings.

MiniFire, also, take a look at the last tab, "Data Packets"
and see if under Epoc+ if it is displaying multiple lines (for the counter).... or just 1.

The packets is just 1 saw tooth line that goes up at 45 degrees and drops. If packets are lost there will be a deformation in the line.

I look at that graph alot when I am using the headset when I see a weird output in the eeg display.

Does this help with the sensor data?

Resolution: 14 bits 1 LSB = 0.51μV ( 16 bit ADC, 2 bits instrumental noise floor discarded), or 16 bits*

and also: 2 resolution: 14 bit or 16 bit per channel (0.51 µV @ 14 bit / 0.31 uV @ 16 bit)

its actually .13uV

if you check their website, on the comparison chart it shows .13uV
and on the specifications, it says .31uV

the web designer for Emotiv keeps getting it wrong, lol

and i know its .13uv because gmac clarified that once.

EPOC+ high resolution mode is the same full scale reading as 14 bit mode, so the LSB resolution is 4x smaller due to the extra 2 bits. 0.51 to about 0.13 u,V for the LSB., NOT 0.31
The 256Hz mode also applies to all channels at the same time, that’s what is commonly understood by ‘256 samples per second per channel’.

i don't quite understand what he meant by the resolution being 4x smaller... maybe he meant, that it has more floating point precision, due to the extra 2 bits.

There is a hint in there actually, reading it again.


It makes perfect sense, actually.

so if we multiply out values for the old headset we get 2 places of precision.

4x more than that is 8 more places, 10 places total, which is the precision we see in the the pure eeg data.

Minifire, i think bill was looking for Epoc 14-bit CSV, when you get a chance.

bill, did you add the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 into the epocplusdata.txt ?

yeah, I was counting the pairs of repeating bytes.

so the numbers that go in sequence.... those are the numbers for the sensors, found in the
sensor_bits = { } array ?

and then the two bytes of data... thats probably a big endian number, that we have to run the get_levels on?

and..... the lines that have a second group of numbers (with extra 0 padding), in the same sensor_bit subset, i'm guessing thats the 256hz part... where its updating it with additional data.

CSV coming shortly.

hey bill.... did you notice... that in the second grouping of numbers, that it goes incrementally as well..... but is half of what the first sequential number is.... kind of like how the Counters were.

so i'm taking it... that those aren't the sensor_bit numbers, but are actually the counters.

144   16  148  125  127  125  146  125  208  128  137  125   87  125  142  125   12   0   209  114  189  125  184  125  157  125   8   134   55  127  211  148 74   32   36   0   239  255   59   0    69   2   116   63  112  243  155  253  201  249   1    1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
149   16  175  125  211  125  247  125  246  128  161  125  217  125  112  125   29   0   126  115  189  125  240  125   6   126   26  134   81  127   36  149
150   16  201  125  200  125  248  125  242  128  162  125  221  125  111  125   9    0   118  115  193  125  238  125   15  126   49  134   83  127   44  149 75   32   26   0   245  255   48   0   107   2   123   63  253  243  180  253  201  249   37   1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
151   16  209  125  171  125  211  125  210  128  182  125  203  125  148  125   89   0   168  115  201  125  239  125   0   126   28  134   91  127   18  149
152   16  227  125  167  125  177  125  192  128  201  125  185  125  189  125   3    0   194  115  206  125  244  125  232  125  241  133  107  127  249  148 76   32   38   0   247  255   63   0   120   2    69   63  197  243  169  253  205  249   48   1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
153   16   6   126  203  125  175  125  210  128  196  125  176  125  198  125   29   0   149  115  206  125  247  125  216  125  230  133  126  127   8   149
154   16   5   126  233  125  178  125  214  128  174  125  165  125  181  125   9    0   110  115  209  125  244  125  195  125  236  133  128  127   37  149 77   32   29   0   228  255   73   0   117   2   139   63   19  244  159  253  226  249   20   1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
155   16  195  125  218  125  156  125  168  128  160  125  152  125  165  125   89   0   173  115  221  125  236  125  160  125  217  133  103  127   33  149
156   16  123  125  180  125  127  125  112  128  165  125  153  125  158  125   3    0    43  116  229  125  233  125  139  125  197  133   74  127   7   149 73   0   251  255   38   0   144   2    58   63  201  243  159  253  226  249   20   1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
157   16  108  125  157  125  117  125   99  128  176  125  173  125  159  125   29   0   124  116  220  125  241  125  160  125  219  133   68  127   1   149
158   16  136  125  145  125  114  125  116  128  188  125  188  125  179  125   9    0   136  116  197  125  254  125  192  125  244  133   78  127   11  149 79   32   53   0   244  255   25   0    89   2   140   63   11  244  178  253  209  249   88   1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
159   16  150  125  128  125   92  125  116  128  206  125  181  125  223  125   89   0   129  116  179  125   5   126  183  125  199  133   77  127   2   149
160   16  142  125  116  125   76  125  105  128  218  125  165  125  249  125   3    0   110  116  178  125   5   126  147  125  113  133   71  127  238  148 80   32   25   0   246  255   46   0   125   2   132   63  221  243  151  253  203  249   52   1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
161   16  134  125  128  125  102  125  120  128  198  125  153  125  201  125   29   0    45  116  193  125   2   126  149  125  102  133   87  127  252  148
162   16  125  125  146  125  152  125  149  128  155  125  150  125  109  125   9    0   225  115  211  125   1   126  194  125  194  133  117  127   38  149 81   32   45   0   254  255   54   0   172   2   157   63  222  243  173  253  203  249   35   1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
163   16  111  125  157  125  169  125  150  128  142  125  164  125   82  125   89   0   224  115  215  125   0   126  203  125   37  134  115  127   47  149
164   16  128  125  179  125  152  125  134  128  179  125  204  125  158  125   3    0    33  116  193  125  255  125  144  125   65  134   68  127   7   149 82   32   62   0   252  255   62   0   104   2    91   63  150  243  159  253  207  249   50   1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
165   16  197  125  217  125  159  125  154  128  211  125  242  125  227  125   29   0    54  116  165  125  255  125  110  125   58  134   39  127  237  148
166   16   0   126  227  125  212  125  213  128  171  125  221  125  168  125   9    0   233  115  167  125   5   126  192  125   70  134   78  127   15  149 83   32   49   0    1    0    55   0    51   2   134   63  223  243  159  253  207  249   50   1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
167   16  230  125  172  125   7   126  249  128   80  125  140  125   8   125   89   0   135  115  214  125   11  126   86  126   88  134  159  127   68  149
168   16  143  125   98  125   11  126  230  128   19  125   71  125  143  124   3    0    90  115   13  126   11  126  171  126   97  134  207  127   82  149 84   32   47   0   241  255   31   0   140   2   126   63  208  243  165  253  201  249   32   1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
169   16   96  125   88  125  244  125  204  128   34  125   79  125  143  124   29   0    74  115   31  126   7   126  139  126  146  134  198  127   63  149
170   16  129  125  147  125  226  125  212  128   93  125  151  125  235  124   9    0    48  115   4   126   5   126   42  126   1   135  158  127   48  149 85   32   24   0   219  255   71   0   105   2   114   63  227  243  171  253  218  249   26   1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
171   16  182  125  209  125  207  125  238  128  156  125  220  125  109  125   89   0    44  115  218  125   9   126  191  125   94  135  107  127   28  149
172   16  203  125  231  125  176  125   0   129  206  125  247  125  237  125   3    0    87  115  182  125   11  126   97  125   90  135   54  127  241  148 86   32   27   0   240  255   59   0   112   2   134   63   49  244  164  253  197  249   49   1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
173   16  210  125  227  125  158  125   21  129  225  125  235  125   46  126   29   0   106  115  163  125   7   126   59  125   34  135   26  127  210  148
174   16  219  125  212  125  176  125   50  129  193  125  193  125  252  125   9    0    38  115  171  125  255  125  124  125   30  135   56  127  238  148 87   32   47   0    2    0    59   0   101   2   127   63  111  243  176  253  197  249   38   1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
175   16  206  125  176  125  200  125   41  129  136  125  137  125  142  125   89   0   197  114  205  125  253  125  238  125   74  135  120  127   39  149
176   16  169  125  139  125  185  125  228  128  120  125  111  125  104  125   3    0   178  114  240  125  253  125   20  126   75  135  149  127   53  149 88   32   36   0   252  255   60   0   104   2   152   63   25  244  176  253  197  249   38   1    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
177   16  163  125  149  125  151  125  157  128  169  125  150  125  183  125   29   0   233  114  240  125  251  125  199  125   17  135  119  127   12  149
178   16  204  125  203  125  147  125  156  128  227  125  212  125   20  126   9    0    11  115  211  125  248  125  111  125  229  134   76  127  235  148

i formatted it a little for easier reading.

[counter] [sensorbits?] [precision/part] [whole] [precision/part] [whole] [precision/part] [whole] .....


on the second half, the numbers kind of get a little funny looking...

what you probably surmised, is that the first half is probably the regular 14-bit, and
then the second half, might be the extra 2 bits,..

no... i think this is how it is.... i'll explain

89, 3, 29, 9
x, y, z, accel?

the sensor_bits don't have anything to do with the numbers in this case. lol i think that's part of whats
involved with get_level, is that it reads the sensor_bits, and shifts appropriately, based on those numbers.

i think the first group... is a counter.

then... its like you said, 2 byte chunks, its all in big-endian format i believe.

so the first line would be.... 16,148 125,127 125,146 125,208 128, 137 125,087 125,142 125,012

then i surmise, that we see the second counter.

and then we get the same exact format as the first.... in big endian format... but you'll notice
the numbers are pretty goofy, i think its just the big endian format.

i think thats part of the floating point numbers.... that either get "attached" or added.

that's my theory, what do you think?

i think the big endian numbers for the second half, are probably so small, or so much more different than
the integers, that they look a lot different from the first set.

because consider... that big-endian format, is basically just reverse binary.

but the first block... looks very similar to the numbers i've seen in OpenVibe
big endian format.

so the first step... will be converting those 2 byte chunk into their big endian formats, and taking a look at what numbers we actually got.

yeah I've been doing just that.

I think figuring out the gyro's would be the easiest to verify.

Is there a way to put a "marker" in the decrypted output files?

perhaps this will help.
I tried converting the first number: 16,148 and i think i got 4800 in big endian.

I tried to move the headset in 1 direction at a time. Tried to atleast
256hz 16bit MEMS 128hz 16bit
[emotiv_data_2017-04-14 18-11-07.980000.txt](

emotiv_values_2017-04-14 18-11-07.981000.txt

hmmm, I just did that the hard way, I am going to upload a little more in a moment.

don't quote me on that, i may have done that wrong.. remembered having a heck of a time with big endian last time.

yeah, from the looks of it.... when it stores the Epoc CSV, it is storing it in the plain integer format.

but when it stores the Epoc+ data.... i'm pretty sure it stores it in the BIg-Endian format.
When I created a version of Cykit to work with OpenVibe, to stream it to its TCP writer...
i had to send it in a continuous stream in big-endian format.

i think its probably more data efficient, and thats probably their standard.

medical grade eeg probably has more sensitivity, so they probably uses floats as well.

its a pain in the butt understanding how python works with big endian, lol i think it took me like a week to grasp it, plus i was learning python 3 at the time.

in theory, my cykit should have a big endian setup.. at least for the conversion -to- big-endian.

perhaps that will help....
as you can see... openvibe lets you select settings on what type of format the raw data is in.

in my case.... i used Big-Endian 16-bit SIGNED integer.
so it was in big-endian format, but was an integer.

so i'm thinking for Epoc+ it will probably be... a Big-Endian 16-bit SIGNED float

The struct module has it builtin

Ok, I just made a file running the epoc+ along with the emokit running. I moved the headset around. Where do you want the data? The CSV is to big to post here.


             cy = ""
             values = [packet.sensors[name]['value'] for name in 'AF3 F7 F3 FC5 T7 P7 O1 O2 P8 T8 FC6 F4 F8 AF4'.split(' ')]
cy = struct.pack('>' + str(len(values)) + 'h',*values)

So > indicates the endianness, in this case, that would be for big.

It shows here though that... a float is 4 bytes long.... which might complicate things.
we either have to convert the two groups, together..... or separately.

Well isnt this nice, the CSV seperates the motion from the EEG.

Ok, lets think about the data you have. Given the fact that the data is in 2 separate files, you would have 2 feeds. 1 feed at 256samples, and 1 feed at 128 samples. So 2 counters.

Makes sense.

Well at least I understand this output a little better. Now I am trying to figure out what the 2 of you are talking about.

These values in the emokit decrypted CSV, what's there base?

its base 10, but i believe in its big-endian format.
you might have to do some reading up on that. its kind of a confusing format. lol
basically binary in reverse.

Bill, i tried running it through OpenVibe, as it is capable of reading several different formats,
didn't have much luck.

will have to try again later though...

<---- Started off learning Assembly. I am trying to dig into 20 year old memories of endian and conversions.

big endian can contain multiple bytes, it strings together, reversed binary data.
think thats how it works. basically its all reversed binary and concatenated.

like bill said, python contains some methods for it built into struct.
though it was confusing for me, with all the changes in unicode they did, for python 3.

got to use google on this one.

plus i think it will require a lot of python experimentation... i recommend using python from the command line on this one, and just typing in instructions... but we'll need some kind of guide... like we need to know what the values are supposed to be.

I am working on a script to take the results in the zip i posted and look for the hex equivalent of a number. Just to see if it is in there. No matter how the number is created, it will always have the same hex bytes.

The gyro is 2048 at 0 I believe.

All the available data is being collected right?

I believe so you can try increase the read size to see if there's more.

I think I just had a light blub moment though.

I am not looking at the data ... and i am not looking at it at this moment... but a float is 4 hex values. When you divide the column count by 4 you do not get 14 channels.

Also, there seems to be an internal clock that transmits with the data.

Maybe even 2 timers that start when the head set is powered on.

one of those characters is a byte, 8bits in a byte, two bytes per sensor=16bits, 32 bytes in the data stream.

But we may have to do the same shifting thing because of the counter.

The gyro data doesn't move very much either 2048-52 quickly glancing over the data.

The values we observe also only move one 104-110 when moving the gyro.

My point is we need to find the conversion for chr(104) -> 2048.00

and then artificially increment 104 and the conversion counts up 2049 and so on..

er 106 and 105 rather it should be noted that they are one byte position apart and the 0 value or 2048 is the same.

They are also at indexes 29(106) and 30(105).

maybe we need to use bit masks 8 * the byte index?


I was reading the half precision float standard.

The answer maybe in the wiki article.

I figured it out I'm pretty sure.

Where do I modify the python to check if there is more data

This version will attempt to read more automatically, I'm pretty sure it'll still return 32 bytes though.

Also, has all my scratch code I was using trying to find the values.

I'm pretty sure it turns out they store 4 sets of shorts, then you have to do math.
Like @warrenarea said big endian.

They share the most significant bits which subtract to 256 * 8 to shift the byte and subtract the least significant bits then add them together.

Hmm maybe not.

Looking at the bits in the sensor values is interesting though:
['0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1']
['0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1']
['0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0', '1', '0']
['0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0', '1']
['0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0']
['0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0']
['0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1']
['0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '1', '1']
['0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']
['0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0']
['1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1']
['0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '1', '0', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0']
['0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '0', '1', '1', '1', '0']
['0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '1', '0']
['0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '0', '0']

And here I am trying to unplug from the matrix...

8192 4096 2048 1024 512 256 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
'0', '1', '1', '1', '1', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '0', '1', '1', '0'

8022 * 0.51


and .13 for epoc+?

yeah with two bits added, the math works better if multiplied by .13