
ZFS Bootmanager

joshuacox opened this issue · 0 comments

Can anyone explain this sentence:

[ZFSBootMenu]( is an alternative bootloader free of such limitations and has support for boot environments. Do not follow instructions on this page if you plan to use ZBM, as the layouts are not compatible. Refer to their site for installation details.

In particular what limitations are referred to in " is an alternative bootloader free of such limitations".

And what layout is incompatible on this page?

@ahesford mentioned separate boot pools here, but I only see one root pool (rpool) being created on this page

Is it the boot entry?

tee -a /boot/refind-linux.conf <<EOF
"Arch Linux" "root=ZFS=rpool/root rw zfs_import_dir=/dev/"

It is noted on this page:

Do not set a root= option (or any similar indicator of the root filesystem) in this property; ZFSBootMenu will add an appropriate root= argument when it boots the environment and will actively suppress any conflicting option.