
Review all input validations

Opened this issue · 6 comments

In order to prevent incorrect data to be entered in the Zimfarm, we want to review all recipes inputs and update their constraints.

All constraints are in and

Beside Offliner Flags, recipe inputs are:

  • Recipe Name
  • Language
  • Tags
  • Category
  • Warehouse Path
  • Status
  • Periodicity
  • Offliner
  • Platform
  • Image Name
  • Image Tag
  • Monitoring
  • CPU
  • Memory
  • Disk
  • RAM fs

Please list below the list of changes you'd like to constraints on those fields or Offliner flags. If a change is to be applied to all offliners (albeit using their own scaper-specific names), please say so.

My proposal:

  • Recipe Name should enforce the Naming Convention
  • All fields setting Name metadata should enforce the Naming Convention
  • All fields setting Title metadata should be restricted to 30 chars max (as per our recommendations)
  • All fields setting the Description metadata should be restricted to 80 chars max
  • All fields setting the LongDescription metadata should be restricted to 400chars max
  • All fields setting the Language metadata should be checked for ISO-639-3 validity (as a comma-separated list).
  • All fields setting ZIM filename shoud enforce {Name}_{period}.zim

devdocs.ios failing scenario because of this weakness

I believe it's a bit different: allowing arbitrary text in choice field or (more likely) a previously value choice that is not anymore and we did not update the recipe

I think that #910 proves that we also need to regularly check that flags are still valid.

We should check:

  • does the flag still exists for given offliner?
  • is the flag value still valid?

I've opened a distinct issue #911 since this is a bit different than just ensuring that constraints of all offliners are appropriate.

kiwix/operations#192 just shown how important it is to avoid unwanted chars in ZIM name / filename.

Removed from zimit2 project unfortunately