
rip out google auth

codefromthecrypt opened this issue · 4 comments

During #119, we noticed there's still a dependency on google's oauth library which is getting subverting our dependency management. What's happening is it has not only a strict dep on census, but census itself starts dragging in other grpc libraries.

Exception in thread "AsyncReporter{StorageComponent}" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: io/grpc/Context
	at io.opencensus.trace.CurrentSpanUtils.getCurrentSpan(
	at io.opencensus.trace.Tracer.spanBuilder(

Notably the maintainers of google's http library marked my bug as a "question" even after someone else acked this is a problem googleapis/google-http-java-client#621

@saturnism Can you follow up on the upstream bug? It's probably a net loss for everyone if users roll their own auth because the auth library got too bloated.

agreed. also it is both an issue of bloat and more importantly pinning to unstable libraries. That said, because this is a leaf module for us, it is more about bloat because we have no plans to use the libraries they are pinning to internally.

I am following up internally (Ray is finally on vacation!)

sadly this is still an issue