
Instagram icons on features.json not displaying

Closed this issue · 6 comments

I'm trying to add social media links with icons on the features.json file. Instagram is not displaying though. I tried other FA5 icons too, but I only see Twitter, FB, and github work. Any ideas?

[ { "title": "Twitter", "description": "Follow us on Twitter", "icon": "icon-twitter", "link": "https://twitter.com/bikenorthbergen" }, { "title": "Instagram", "description": "Follow us on Instagram", "icon": "icon-instagram", "link": "https://www.instagram.com/bikenorthbergen/" }, { "title": "Facebook", "description": "Follow us on Facebook", "icon": "icon-facebook", "link": "https://www.facebook.com/Bike-North-Bergen-108227921644201/" } ]

Image 3

Sorry, the theme does not include instagram icons by default.
Please consider to use FontAwesome.
To use FontAwesome, change to true fa5 of params.icon.
Now you can use it like "icon": "fab fa-instagram".

Thank you! I must have used the wrong syntax when I tried fa. On the same topic, is there a parameter for using the icons in [menu.footer] or [menu.main]? I tried:

    icon = "fab fa-twitter"
    url = "https://twitter.com/bikenorthbergen"
    weight = 2

Unfortunately, I have not implemented that feature.
I will add the feature when I have time, so if you want to use it, please wait until then.
You can leave this issue open.

Icons can now be used in the footer as well.
You can display the icon by writing the following (The text will not be displayed when the icon is set.)

    name = "github"
    pre = "<i class='fab fa-github text-2xl'></i>"
    url = "https://github.com/opera7133/tella"
      weight = 2

This works great. Thank you for the update.

One last comment on footer:

I have a parameter with an email in the name:

   name = "hello@bikenorthbergen.org"
   weight = 1

But it is treated like a link for the current page the user is in, instead of just text.

Maybe there could be an email parameter that treats it like mailto field. Just a thought!

If you need a mailto link, you can specify it in the url parameter.

    name = "hello@bikenorthbergen.org"
    url = "mailto:hello@bikenorthbergen.org"
    weight = 1