
openshift-monitoring prometheus instance cannot access resources in `openshift-logging` namespace

Closed this issue · 2 comments

4n4nd commented

Prometheus Pod logs:

level=error ts=2021-11-23T16:12:00.401Z caller=klog.go:96 component=k8s_client_runtime func=ErrorDepth msg="github.com/prometheus/prometheus/discovery/kubernetes/kubernetes.go:431: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: failed to list *v1.Pod: pods is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:openshift-monitoring:prometheus-k8s\" cannot list resource \"pods\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"openshift-logging\""
level=error ts=2021-11-23T16:12:14.897Z caller=klog.go:96 component=k8s_client_runtime func=ErrorDepth msg="github.com/prometheus/prometheus/discovery/kubernetes/kubernetes.go:430: Failed to watch *v1.Service: failed to list *v1.Service: services is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:openshift-monitoring:prometheus-k8s\" cannot list resource \"services\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"openshift-logging\""
level=error ts=2021-11-23T16:12:24.108Z caller=klog.go:96 component=k8s_client_runtime func=ErrorDepth msg="github.com/prometheus/prometheus/discovery/kubernetes/kubernetes.go:429: Failed to watch *v1.Endpoints: failed to list *v1.Endpoints: endpoints is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:openshift-monitoring:prometheus-k8s\" cannot list resource \"endpoints\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"openshift-logging\""
level=error ts=2021-11-23T16:12:55.558Z caller=klog.go:96 component=k8s_client_runtime func=ErrorDepth msg="github.com/prometheus/prometheus/discovery/kubernetes/kubernetes.go:431: Failed to watch *v1.Pod: failed to list *v1.Pod: pods is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:openshift-monitoring:prometheus-k8s\" cannot list resource \"pods\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"openshift-logging\""
level=error ts=2021-11-23T16:13:00.985Z caller=klog.go:96 component=k8s_client_runtime func=ErrorDepth msg="github.com/prometheus/prometheus/discovery/kubernetes/kubernetes.go:429: Failed to watch *v1.Endpoints: failed to list *v1.Endpoints: endpoints is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:openshift-monitoring:prometheus-k8s\" cannot list resource \"endpoints\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"openshift-logging\""
level=error ts=2021-11-23T16:13:02.670Z caller=klog.go:96 component=k8s_client_runtime func=ErrorDepth msg="github.com/prometheus/prometheus/discovery/kubernetes/kubernetes.go:430: Failed to watch *v1.Service: failed to list *v1.Service: services is forbidden: User \"system:serviceaccount:openshift-monitoring:prometheus-k8s\" cannot list resource \"services\" in API group \"\" in the namespace \"openshift-logging\""

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