
Expose wait and timeout controls for uninstall/rollbacks after install/upgrade failures

joelanford opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently, the built-in actionClient performs uninstalls when installs fail and rollbacks when upgrades fail, and it is hardcoded with no waits or timeouts.

We have an issue in rukpak (see operator-framework/rukpak#596), where it is desirable to be able to configure waits with timeouts on the uninstall/rollback to ensure that an uninstall/rollback completes before the next reconcile attempt starts.

I took a look at our API surface for the action config getter and the action client getter, and there isn't an obvious place to expose these knobs, so I want to start a discussion to see:

  1. Have others encountered this problem?
  2. What seems like the best place to add this functionality in the API?

A better solution solved this problem (see #196)