
operator-sdk doesn't honor the dependencies of sub-charts of the child charts

Closed this issue · 17 comments

Bug Report

In Continuation of Issue.

Bug Demo Repository: https://github.com/r4rajat/operator-sdk-bug-2

As per suggestion, if we remove dependencies from parent chart in this case from hello-world chart, and disable sub-charts i.e alertmanager, kube-state-metrics, prometheus-node-exporter and prometheus-pushgateway from the child chart i.e prometheus: And Install the Operator and operand, we could see the deployments of disabled sub-charts

What did you do?

$ git clone https://github.com/r4rajat/operator-sdk-bug-2
$ cd ./operator-sdk-bug-2
$ make docker-build docker-push
$ operator-sdk olm install
$ make bundle bundle-build bundle-push
$ operator-sdk run bundle docker.io/r4rajat/hello-world-operator-bundle:v1.0.1 --timeout 15m
$ kubectl apply -f ./config/samples/charts_v1alpha1_helloworld.yaml
$ oc get pods
NAME                                                              READY   STATUS             RESTARTS         AGE
570b6af36fc4e01e3a860f8f0bef662c8c5f3eea2b342c1913d16c8d2bdw4dq   0/1     Completed          0                42m
docker-io-r4rajat-hello-world-operator-bundle-v1-0-1              1/1     Running            0                42m
hello-world-operator-controller-manager-7f4d65b9dd-gjmlq          1/2     CrashLoopBackOff   11 (3m55s ago)   41m
helloworld-sample-alertmanager-0                                  1/1     Running            0                39m
helloworld-sample-hello-world-67976bff97-fk8n5                    0/1     CrashLoopBackOff   12 (2m47s ago)   39m
helloworld-sample-kube-state-metrics-6488696777-vz6tw             1/1     Running            0                39m
helloworld-sample-prometheus-node-exporter-4l59t                  0/1     Pending            0                39m
helloworld-sample-prometheus-node-exporter-672cb                  0/1     Pending            0                39m
helloworld-sample-prometheus-node-exporter-cq8cr                  0/1     Pending            0                39m
helloworld-sample-prometheus-node-exporter-fjpkp                  0/1     Pending            0                39m
helloworld-sample-prometheus-node-exporter-mhhs6                  0/1     Pending            0                39m
helloworld-sample-prometheus-node-exporter-pwk8l                  0/1     Pending            0                39m
helloworld-sample-prometheus-pushgateway-59c4d48896-rqqwp         1/1     Running            0                39m
helloworld-sample-prometheus-server-54bc6978dd-mrsr5              2/2     Running            0                39m
mysql-0                                                           1/1     Running            0                3h7m

What did you expect to see?

Deployments/Pods for disabled sub-charts should not install

What did you see instead? Under which circumstances?

Deployments/Pods for disabled sub-charts are installed


Operator type:

/language helm

Kubernetes cluster type:

The type of cluster used for testing/deployment: OpenShift v4.12.25

$ operator-sdk version

operator-sdk version: "v1.31.0", commit: "e67da35ef4fff3e471a208904b2a142b27ae32b1", kubernetes version: "1.26.0", go version: "go1.19.11", GOOS: "linux", GOARCH: "amd64"

$ go version (if language is Go)

go version go1.21.1 linux/amd64

$ kubectl version

Client Version: v1.28.1
Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3
Server Version: v1.25.11+1485cc9
WARNING: version difference between client (1.28) and server (1.25) exceeds the supported minor version skew of +/-1

Possible Solution

Additional context


Ok, so making sure I understand the specific details here:

  1. We have 3 levels of charts
    a. Level 1 - hello-world
    b. Level 2 - prometheus
    c. Level 3 - alertmanager, kube-state-metrics, prometheus-node-exporter, prometheus-pushgateway
  2. When you create a CR for hello-world, you expect that the prometheus chart is always enabled as a dependency of hello-world and is always installed as part of hello-world
  3. You expect that, by default, none of the Level 3 charts are installed, because they:
    a. Have a <name>.enabled condition on their dependency declaration
    b. Are all explicitly enabled: false in the default values.yaml for the level 2 prometheus operator.

And what you're actually seeing is that the level 3 operators are always installed.

Is the above correct?

If we look into it, it is expected behavior of helm . If we package the chart and install it

$ helm package helm/hello-world/
$ helm install hello-world-0.1.0.tgz --generate-name

we could see the disabled 3rd level charts installed as well

Ok, I think I have a working fix for your chart. I tested locally and it seemed to work:

  1. Add the local prometheus dependency back in to your root hello-world Chart.yaml.
  2. However, do not use charts for the local file path. Use a different directory name or location. The example from the helm docs is:
- name: nginx
  version: "1.2.3"
  repository: "file://../dependency_chart/nginx"

I'll take a look at it

@joelanford, I tried this method, I've moved the prometheus chart to helm/dependency_chart/ and updated the root Chart.yaml as

  - name: prometheus
    version: 24.4.0
    repository: "file://../dependency_chart/prometheus"

And ran

$ operator-sdk init \
--project-name=hello-world-operator --plugins=helm --domain=dev \
--helm-chart=./helm/hello-world --verbose

And again getting the error

FATA[0000] failed to create API: unable to scaffold with "base.helm.sdk.operatorframework.io/v1": failed to fetch chart dependencies: directory /home/r4rajat/Projects/operator-sdk-bug-2/helm-charts/dependency_chart/prometheus not found 
Error: failed to initialize project: unable to run post-scaffold tasks of "base.helm.sdk.operatorframework.io/v1": exit status 1

Interesting. I'm seeing the same issue when using ../depedency_chart. However if I change ../dependency_chart to ./dependency-chart (and move that directory to helm/hello-world/dependency_chart), it works. Not sure if this is an issue with SDK or helm.

Looks like this needs more investigation. Adding this to backlog for now.

Hi @joelanford , it seems to be working for us. Thanks for the solution
With this approach, there are 2 observations which I've made

  1. If we want to install the chart using helm install, we have to build the dependency first using helm dependency build . as helm expects the dependencies to be in charts folder.
  2. operator-sdk init command works without building the dependencies.

Great! Sounds like we can close this out?

Hey @joelanford , Let's not close it. There is still an issue which we're facing that is.
Now we have two copies of the same chart in our helm directory.
Let's say if we want to publish our chart. We need to do following steps

# helm dependency build will create a charts folder with the compressed dependency i.e prometheus
$ helm dependency build helm/hello-world

# helm package helm/hello-world

# helm push hello-world-v0.1.0.tar.gz

Now we have charts and dependecy_chart folder with same dependencies

I don't think I would consider this a bug. The dependencies section of the Chart.yaml file is intended to be the way to define how to pull in and populate the charts directory of your chart.

Ultimately, I think there are two separate things at play here, that together present the problem you're having:

  1. You must declare a dependency via Chart.yaml if you want to be able to enable/disable it based on values.
  2. You can't declare (or at least there are issues declaring?) a local dependency via Chart.yaml where the source path is in the chart's ./charts directory.

There's an issue in the helm repo I filed a few years ago that I'm pretty sure is related to this area: helm/helm#8120. The stalebot closed it out, so as far as I know, nothing was ever done to fix it.

Anything we do here (even if we could) would just be a workaround to the underlying issues in helm. I'd prefer we pursue a fix in helm that we could then incorporate here.

Hello everyone
Does this help the problem you are facing, @r4rajat #4689 (comment)

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