
Unable to (re)generate `roles.yaml` using RBAC markers

DazWilkin opened this issue · 5 comments

Type of question

General operator-related help


What did you do?

I'm attempting to migrate an existing (working) v3 Operator to v4 using Migration from go/v3 to go/v4

Aside: I've been using Operator SDK for a couple of years (on-and-off) and find the bundle of technologies very difficult to understand. I started with Operator SDK but think I could have just used kubebuilder. I was unaware I was using go/v3 and had to stumble around to (and still don't fully understand) what go/v4 is but I'm confident I'm using it correctly as the PROJECT file contains layout with one value go.kubebuilder.io/v4.

What did you expect to see?

The Operator worked outside a cluster. After Deployment to a cluster, I received a bunch of role errors and noticed that the role.yaml file was basic (unchanged):


apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRole
    app.kubernetes.io/name: clusterrole
    app.kubernetes.io/instance: manager-role
    app.kubernetes.io/component: rbac
    app.kubernetes.io/created-by: my-operator-v4
    app.kubernetes.io/part-of: my-operator-v4
    app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: kustomize
  name: manager-role
 - apiGroups: [""]
   resources: ["pods"]
   verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]

I have 4 controllers and each has kubebuilder:rbac annotations|markers, e.g.:


// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=ack.al,resources=checks,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete

Curiously, when I:

Moreover (!) if I rename role.yaml and run either of the above commands, no role.yaml is (re)created.

make manifests
/path/to/my-operator-v4/bin/controller-gen-v0.14.0 \
rbac:roleName=manager-role \
crd \
webhook \
paths="./..." \

make generate
/path/to/my-operator-v4/bin/controller-gen-v0.14.0 \
object:headerFile="hack/boilerplate.go.txt" \



What did you see instead? Under which circumstances?

I expected role.yaml to be (re)generated

I checked the earlier (v3) Operator and it contains rules entries for each CRD for {resource}, {resource}/finalizers and {resource}/status.

I've manually edited role.yaml with apiGroups, resources and verbs for the CRDs and the Operator WAI.


Operator type:

/language go

Kubernetes cluster type:


$ operator-sdk version

operator-sdk version: "v1.34.1", commit: "edaed1e5057db0349568e0b02df3743051b54e68", kubernetes version: "1.28.0", go version: "go1.21.7", GOOS: "linux", GOARCH: "amd64"

$ go version (if language is Go)

go version go1.22.0 linux/amd64

$ kubectl version

Client Version: v1.29.3
Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3
Server Version: v1.29.3-gke.1093000

Additional context

This seems like it could be an issue with either Kubebuilder's kustomize/v2 plugin, the controller-gen command, or controller-gen itself. I haven't had time, and likely won't have much time soon, to dig into this further.

I'm also not sure the motivation to upgrade your operator's scaffolding from the go/v3 to go/v4 format? This isn't needed and is not a trivial task for operator projects that have been heavily customized. Typically to do this the recommendation would be to scaffold a new go/v4 operator and transplant the business logic from the go/v3 operator to the appropriate place in the go/v4 operator.

My personal recommendation would be to stick with the go/v3 format and continue to update your dependencies as needed.

Thanks for taking the time to provide your feedback.

I periodically revisit the Operator SDK documentation to Upgrade SDK Version.

I'm paranoid that I'll end up with technical debt by not keeping the Operator current.

I suspect during the most recent upgrade, I noticed the go/v3 vs go/v4 docs.

Honestly, I've built this working Operator but the documentation's terms are still confusing to me. I don't understand what the 'go/vX plugin' even specifically refers to but, reading the documentation, it felt like something that I should be maintaining currency on too (so I did).

I did scaffold a new go/v4 operator and migrated the controllers etc. into it.

@DazWilkin Am I reading the below correctly?

I did scaffold a new go/v4 operator and migrated the controllers etc. into it.

That you resolved this issue and this can be closed?

Unfortunately, that's incorrect.

I scaffolded a new go/v4 operator, migrated the controllers etc. but that's where I'm observing the behavior.