
Support packages with shared object files

rkbennett opened this issue · 2 comments

Not sure if this is something that's feasible, but there are multiple packages that required .so files to work, such as psutil. Is there a possibility of supporting packages like that? I understand there are implications with matching architecture and what not, but unless I'm missing something (entirely possible), there's no way to import a package like that currently.

You are correct! There are various reasons for that! The first is that the module only fetchs .py and .pyc files from HTTP/S URLs, so it won't even fetch .so or .pyd (Cython compiled) files.
Also, the only way that the module "knows" that something is added in the namespace is by using exec. And this works only with Python code (not native binaries).

Would be too neat to have such a feature though!

As this issue is not directly actionable, I am tagging it as question and archiving it.