
text size in terminal

Closed this issue · 16 comments

The font is much smaller in terminal windows than it is any other appIication. I suppose it may have something to do with resolution settings, but I really don't understand why it's happening. Hoping you might be able and willing to offer some insight. thanks.

Could you provide more details and screenshots? Which terminal emulator are you using?

I'm running manjaro 17.1.9; linux 4.14.36
DE: Xfce4
WM: i3-gaps
Screen Resolution: 1920x1080

I use rxvt-unicode, but the issue is the same in all terminal emulators. The issue demonstrated in the following image:
Example IMG
I temporarily changed my i3 font to scientifica (not ideal, because for some reason the unicode symbols I use is not rendered in i3.) You can see here that the text is significantly larger in the title bars and in the i3 bar on the bottom of the display.

According to the gnome-terminal preferences, the max size before pixelation is 9.

Also note that though my config says I set the pixel size to 13, I disabled scaling for bmp fonts before taking the screenshot.

I also forgot to label the terminals appropriately. They are urxvt, gnome-terminal, and Xfce4 terminal respectively. Same thing happens in Xterm.

The font used in the title bar and status bar is not scientifica. Look at the difference between lowercase i, lowercase n, capital B, etc.

OK. I guess it just fell back on a default then. Sorry. I suppose this is the appropriate size then and there's nothing I can do about it. Was hoping to be able to make a bit more legible. Any way thanks for taking your time.

No worries! I ran into a similar issue before. The font name in your i3 config might be wrong. I use i3 as well and with the scientifica-bdf from the AUR package I use
pango: nerdypepper scientifica 9
in my i3 config.

I'm mostly concerned with my terminal font at this point. I really like scientifica, but the size is a huge compromise. I'm not sure I understand that line from your config though.

That's what I was trying to say, the font in your terminal is scientifica, it is just a small font. The line from my config sets the default font for i3wm. You can try the doubler script included in the repository or try curie! https://github.com/NerdyPepper/curie

okay. i just don't understand how you do that without the conventional format in i3 and also don't understand how you named the font. There aren't instructions for the doubler script. I'm assuming I compile an exectuable from it and run it in the folder?

Essentially, it's written in Python though so there's nothing to compile. You just run it.

right. I just ran it. I installed the bdflib dependency, but the script still reports that it's missing. Thanks for your patience with this.

No big deal. I'd suggest just trying out curie. I'll have it up on the AUR within a few days.

Unforutnately rxvt doesn't render all of the unicode characters that it had with scientifica. I should probably just switch terms.

urxvt doesn't do font fallback properly for me either. suckless terminal works fine.

Curie is (regardless of st or urxvt) still to small for a screen size of 3840x2160. Any plans for providing a hi-dpi version in the future?

@jandoerntlein @nawtrobar @cmcaine the font has successfully been doubled.

You can find the .bdfs under the doubled/ folder!