
Is the font supposed to look like this?

personinblack opened this issue · 6 comments

I just installed the font and the very thing I noticed is that the font looks completely different than how it looks in the screenshots on the readme page and r/unixporn. I don't know if I am doing something wrong. I installed it over the AUR (also tried installing manually) and followed the installation steps on the readme.md and this is how it looks on my urxvt:

For example the "a" is completely different.

You are correct, this font is not scientifica. Please post your urxvt config.

Assuming you're using the AUR package, try adding the following to your .Xresources

URxvt.font: xft:nerdypepper scientifica:pixelsize=9
URxvt.letterSpace: 2

Also you need to set the bold and italic fonts manually

URxvt.boldFont :xft:nerdypepper scientifica:bold:pixelsize=9
URxvt.italicFont :xft:nerdypepper scientifica:italic:pixelsize=9

Changing the letter space makes it better but not the same as how it looks on the screenshots... The characters are different for sure. Look at this:
And this:

It appears to be displaying Gohufont for some reason. I've tested this on my machine and it is doing the same thing. I use Termite and I've never had this issue before.

I don't think so... I tried GohuFont and it looked a bit different.

But this is definetely a problem with urxvt, just tried the font on the polybar and it looked how it should look without any problem. The weird thing is the screenshot above also uses urxvt and it displays the font correctly...

I think I should close this issue...