
Dunst only showing bold text properly

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Everything that isn't in bold is shown as a unicode box
(Note, the box before "Chats" is expected, it's an emoji)

Here's my dunstrc;

on line 89, the font face name should be scientifica with a small s. but i'm not sure if that's really an issue.

these rectangular placeholders would usually occur if the character is not a part of the font, but i think this is caused by pango removing support for non opentype bitmap font formats.

some things you could try:

  • use the otb font files instead of bdf if you aren't already doing so
  • run fc-cache --really-force -v

if none of that works, could you please share the following:

  • the output of fc-list | grep sci
  • the version of pango you have installed

I tried both Scientifica, and scientifica, neither of which changed anything.
Here's my fc-list;
and pango;

For further information I'm using both the bdf files from the git repo (~/.local/share/fonts) and the AUR package otb-scientifica (/usr/share/fonts/misc/)

could you remove the bdfs from ~/.local/share/fonts, run fc-cache -fv and restart dunst and tell me if that works? its possible that bdf edition is shadowing the otb one.

i am pretty sure its pango's doing, bdf formats are no longer supported in pango 1.44+.

Aha! That was exactly it, after removing the bdf's dunst is properly showing non-bold text. Thanks for the help man!

Cheers :^)