
the link to workflow ran list should also be accepeted

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I think links like https://github.com/fixrtm/fixRTM/actions/workflows/build.yml should also be accepted.

That link doesn't specify the branch so I think it can't be used

i think supporting these urls is a good idea even if you have rewrite the URL to the full canonical workflow file of https://github.com/fixrtm/fixRTM/actions/workflows/build.yml => https://github.com/fixrtm/fixRTM/blob/master/.github/workflows/build.yml internally in the logic and thus you just assume default branch. 🤷‍♀️

why I think supporting these URLs is a good idea: they are the user facing thing that users see when they click "Actions" tab and navigate to a particular workflow in the GitHub UI. it's logically something that seems like it should work.

if you really want branch selection you could do a branch textbox or something or an prompt() popup or something lol

Default branch could be nice but that requires an api call on the fly to read what that branch is