
Add Timeout, BundleException, and logging for activation failure

mcculls opened this issue · 2 comments

Originally reported on Google Code with ID 67

If a bundle module is activated via the Peaberry activation framework, but references
a configurable that is not available via config-admin, then the bundle fails to activate.

However, the bundle state switches to STARTED, and there is no indication to the user
that the activation failed, and no reason for the failure given.

As per the discussion here:


it would be great to have the bundle activation:

1) Timeout if dependencies / configuration values are not available during activation.

2) Log the dependency / configuration that is not available, probably at WARN level.

3) Throw a BundleException with the failure information.

Reported by rocketraman on 2011-10-24 16:31:52

Sorry, it seems I created two issues with the same content. This is a duplicate of Issue
#68 and should be closed.

Reported by rocketraman on 2011-10-25 00:26:35

Reported by mcculls on 2011-10-28 01:04:34

  • Status changed: Duplicate
  • Merged into: #68