
timestamp field is not working in elasticsearch

sohel2020 opened this issue · 5 comments

Elasticsearch version: 6.8.0

  - name: "elasticsearch"
      - http://localhost:9200
      index: kube-events
      indexFormat: "kube-events-{2006-01-02}"
        message: "{{ .Message }}"
        reason: "{{ .Reason }}"
        type: "{{ .Type }}"
        count: "{{ .Count }}"
        kind: "{{ .InvolvedObject.Kind }}"
        name: "{{ .InvolvedObject.Name }}"
        namespace: "{{ .Namespace }}"
        component: "{{ .Source.Component }}"
        host: "{{ .Source.Host }}"
        labels: "{{ toJson .InvolvedObject.Labels}}"

when I'm using layout then it's not working. without layout it is working. with layout it's not sending the following fields


I'm having similar issue, but a bit different. When I don't specify layout, the fields eventtime, firsttimestamp, lasttimestamp is correctly put into the documents. However, many events get filtered, which I don't know why.

How I came to know some events are filtered, is that if I only specify field as below,

        message: "{{ .Message }}"
        reason: "{{ .Reason }}"
        type: "{{ .Type }}"
        count: "{{ .Count }}"
        kind: "{{ .InvolvedObject.Kind }}"
        name: "{{ .InvolvedObject.Name }}"

I get much more events.

It might be related to labels and annotations having dots, please see the latest update with DeDot functionality.

when I'm using layout then it's not working. without layout it is working. with layout it's not sending the following fields


Yes it's works when you don't use layout because the event is directly send to sink and the format of time fields are in ISO8601 format like this "2021-06-01T07:06:05.000Z" and it works with elasticsearch as date.
But when you use the layout the go struct change the format send for the date like this "2017-08-31 00:00:00 +0000 UTC". It's not recognized as a date by elasticsearch who set this as a string.