
Move Elasticsearch username and password from configmap to Kubernetes secret

asoleimanibo opened this issue · 4 comments

I think this is not appropriate to store Elasticsearch username and password in form of the cleartext in Kubernetes configmap and it should move to a secret.

Kubernetes secrets are also plaintext if you have read access. Base64 is not encryption. People generally restrict access to Secret objects to ensure it's not readable by anyone.

yes of course, but it is possible to restrict user access to secrets but there is no way to do that for configmap, so I think it is better to move Elasticsearch username and password to secret.

Most of the RBAC can be achieved with Roles/ClusterRoles for any object (incuding configmaps) and API verb (get, put, delete)

See: https://kubernetes.io/blog/2017/10/using-rbac-generally-available-18/

Even though it closed; i would like to add & emphasize @soleimaniamir 's point:
A lot of tooling around Kubernetes, esp CI tools consider secrets as such and hide/mask their output.
On the other hand, config-maps are dumped/exposed/logged at a lot of places by default always running the risk of an unwanted exposure by stuffing secrets into them