
Error parsing Recipients

GPHofficial opened this issue · 3 comments

Library's method __deserialize from api_client.py is wrongfully parsing Recipient Class Objects into UserRecipient / TeamRecipients

Expected: {'type': 'user', 'id': '{UUID_HERE}'}
Actual: {'name': None}

Reproducing: Call list_alerts, and check the field of responders.

Currently facing this issue as well

zfr commented

Hi @GPHofficial and @davidban77

Thanks for bringing the issue. I sent a fix about the current problem. It used another DTO (Recipient) instead of Responder, and it causes that case. In the meantime, @GPHofficial was also right about the inheritance problem at the openapi-generator :D I tried to fix it temporarily by removing the inheritance props.

When I have time, I'll try to pull the latest openapi-generator updates to our repo. Then we can re-enable inheritance again.
