
Add all APIs to the SDK

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Could you also generate (with swagger) the stubs for the other APIs ? (Calendar, Teams, etc.. ?)
Thanks !

We are planning to do but it is hard to give an exact date about it. At the moment, we've introduced Swagger generated code and thinking on whether it could handle our API domains. We've not yet made the final decision about Swagger.

By the way, we will happy to hear your feedback/requests in our community page too. You can write your expectation in this page or there is similar request ongoing in this topic. It can help us to prioritise and determine where we are headed.

Thanks for the links :)

Hi again!

As a future reference, We decided to introduce all domains via Swagger and also share our yaml in github. I'm not sure about Java but seems like swagger-codegen could generate basic Python SDK without too many bugs :) We can use that for fully Swagger generated SDK.

I want to update this issue with good news, thanks for your patience :)


See #9

We have released the new version of the Python SDK, with code examples for Alert, Incident, Heartbeat, and Account domains, in the the same repo. You can access the documentation at https://docs.opsgenie.com/docs/opsgenie-python-api-v2-1

You may choose to manually generate the remaining domains by using our extended OpenAPI Generator in combination with the Opsgenie OpenAPI Specification.