
Upgrade to Android X

Closed this issue ยท 8 comments


Cannot drop Jetifier due to following external dependencies:


with the plugin described here: https://adambennett.dev/2020/08/disabling-jetifier/

Optimizely is also the only SDK in our app not migrated to androidX yet. Would love to see the SDK migrated so that we can drop Jetifier.


This is still an issue in the latest 3.7.0 SDK:

Cannot drop Jetifier due to following external dependencies:

* com.optimizely.ab:android-sdk:3.7.0

Hopefully if more people star this issue, the open PR #328 which addresses this can be merged.

Would love to understand if there is a timeline here, suffering the same issue!

Only Lib preventing us to drop Jetifier too

Any update on this?

Any update on when a release will include this? I see the change was merged about 2 weeks ago - I understand there may be additional changes you wish to release simultaneously, but it would be great to push a release so consumers can migrate off Jetifier

@kevinzetterstrom should be going out in the next couple of weeks.

@kevinzetterstrom 3.9.0 has been released which includes update to androidX. I'm closing this issue.