[ENHANCEMENT] [question] Is optimizely virtual thread / loom friendly?
wyhasany opened this issue · 6 comments
I wonder if optimizely is loom-friendly - e.g. does not pin the platform threads? I can see that you hardcode underneath platform thread, I would like to replace it with virtual one, currently I can do it only with nasty reflection
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I can see there is a bunch of synchronized methods which could be synchronized with ReentrantLock
@jaeopt What a product should I choose? Am I reaally need to do that? To allow support of loom you need to allow to inject external executor service and replace synchronized blocks with ReentrantLock.
@wyhasany You can submit a ticket for "Feature Experimentation" > "SDKs and Agent" in the link above. Not clear what we should change in the SDK to support Loom. We'll look into it. If you want, you can also consider to submit a PR for the enhancement with backward compatibility for Java8+.