
Versioning / sources / last bugs

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi! I'm not sure right now wich one is the lates version.
On TB page we have a 4.0.34 verison that almost works on TB115.10.1
But it has several errors

  1. null pointer errores on history
  2. not refreshing after delete
  3. remember last serach text is not working
  4. act as a normal filter not working (need to start every time with a modifield like s:xxx or f:xxxx)

On github, the last version is 4.0.27

I kind of fix only the NPE (item 1), just editing some of the .js
Is there any new version available? Are anyone supporting this GREAT tool?


opto commented

thanks for the fix to 1).
3: works here on Win 11, you need to press the sticky button (left of search field with needle like icon). It does not work upon tab change (if account 1 is in one tab and account 2 is in another tab).
4: works here, but it does not have the buttons for from, to subject etc. But if I enter strings from subject or recipients etc., it does search accordingly
2: what do you mean? If I search and then delete one email, it focusses the next

thanks for your replies. Trying to explain better
2. Not 100% sure if it is related to search plugin, I think so.
But not always happens.

  1. I enter some text, while the sticky icon is on. Change folder on the same account and 'stickiness' is lost.
    No error/warning in the console.log

  2. search without keywords: doesn't works.
    I add a text (i.e. gmail) , hit : nothing
    I add a prefix+text (ie: f:gmail) hiy : works
    ==> Update on this one. I'm a bit stupid. The setting'act a normal search when....' were enabled, so razonabily search terms weren't found.
    Anywat, enter key doesn't works find.

About the fixes, not sure if they are ok. Now the search history popup windows appears very often when select the search input (probably this is not the expected behaviour)

hi5 commented
  • not refreshing after delete

I get that too, I move an email and then the focus is lost from the thread pane and no message is selected, or the moved message seems to remain in the thread pane until you click in the thread pane and then it's gone. I also use Nostalgy btw,
Quite annoying behaviour, I'm not a fan of TB115+, too much "not just right" imho.

Esc doesn't clear the search either, anybody else have that?

Another mini fix, almostusable now. Still problem on delete mail not updating the mail list
So issues 2 and 3 still open
Uploading expression_search_ng-4.0.34-tb-fix.xpi.zip…