
RTL support issue

engsulta opened this issue · 3 comments

I have tried to set RTL text but am not sure why the text size calculation always not correct as I noticed that the text shown is always less than the original text and no hashtag detected
did anyone face this issue before?
label.text = "صباح الخير لتقليل مسامات الوجه استعمل غسول مجفف للبشرة استعمل مرطب بشكل دائم مناسب لبشرتك استعمل مقشرات البشرة الطبية مثل ادابالين ليلاً يمكن استعمال الليزر الفراكشنال لتقليل المسامات #طبيب #أخبار_طبية #جلدية"

@engsulta if you are using System font then this issue appear.

for reference check issue #154

X901 commented

This issue appear with system font or custom fonts, only if the language is Arabic language !

stale commented

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