
The doc is not clear

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Hello I want to translate to spanish but I don't understand how to config the folder inside the project, it says:

what you need is to copy the translations folder content into Oqtane.Client project more specifically into Resources folder

But there is no "Resources" folder in Oqtane.Client. There is one in Oqtane.Server and is empty, is that the one? The problem is that because a default language is not installed, I cannot use it as an example either.

Thanks @elgransan, you are right we are working to improve the instructions, but I don't have suitable time to update them

But there is no "Resources" folder in Oqtane.Client.

You are right, I will try to push a PR to make this work. For now you can create a Resources folder, then your could try a Portuguese language, coz it's the only one pushed, I'm struggling to add an Arabic language too


Sorry, I created the "Resource" folder in client project but I' getting an error:

The satellite assemblies folder named 'Español (es-ES)' is not found.


This class is looking for the translation folder in "bin" folder of server project, but is not being copied. I think I'm missing something.

The satellite assemblies folder named 'Español (es-ES)' is not found.

The name is mentioned just for organizing the resources in the repo, please add its content directly into Resources folder

But If I want the software to be multi-language?

Same thing, the suffix of the RESX files should be different such Index.fr. resx, Index.ar.resx

Sorry, I understood, I could do it, thank you

One last question, can I user generic language "es" instead of "es-ES" or "es-MX" or another? I tried that way and works but I don't know if could fail in some point

Yes you could, but in case you want to use a specific culture you should use es-ES or es-MX

I tried that way and works but I don't know if could fail in some point

You should add es to supported cultures in appsettings.json

@elgransan I added an Arabic resources for Oqtane Framework also I update Oqtane.ResxExtractor now can easily generate your culture specific resources by run the oqtane-extractor -c={Culture} command

Hope this help you to generate Spanish resources ;)

Excelent, I uploaded the spanish language support. I saw in some resource files strange translations, feels like a bug (maybe on the ResxExtractor?):


Ya, I already recognize some issues in 3 files if I'm not wrong, hope to fix them in both Oqtane Framework & Oqtane.ResxExtractor

BTW @elgransan could please help us to improve the docs, what's good & what's bad, which we will try to improve it

Yes, tomorrow I'll take a look on that

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