
Ansible base role for RSA (Regulatory Solutions Automation) team projects

Primary LanguageJinjaUniversal Permissive License v1.0UPL-1.0


Installs base packages and sets configuration for general security, monitoring, and auditing purposes.

Provides common functionality and configuration for the following RSA playbooks:

Installs and configures packages with the goal of building a secure computing environment.


  • nmap
  • chronyd
  • suricata
  • scipag
  • lynis


Role Variables

Path where RSA software is installed. RSA specific ansible playbooks and scripts are deployed here.

oci_rsa_path: "/opt/oci-rsa"

Used to schedule a cron job to run the calling playbook. Example: oci-rsa-ansible-wazuh. We have set the default value to automatically fetch the playbook name.

ansible_playbook_name: "{}"

Optional Variable

This is an optional variable set inside extra_variables.yml. The backing up of resource inventory to object storage only runs if this variable is defined.



Ansible roles used by this role

  • clamd_configuration: configures clamscan through scan.conf template
  • wazuh_agent_configuration: configures wazuh agent local file scanning

Example Playbook

Use this role before any of the other RSA roles as it activates the epel repo.

- hosts: all
    - role: oci-rsa-ansible-base
      become: true

The Team

This repository was developed by the Oracle OCI Regulatory Solutions and Automation (RSA) team.

How to Contribute

Interested in contributing? See our contribution guidelines for details.


This repository and its contents are licensed under UPL 1.0.