
Diagnose accumulation tests that pass in Clojure but not ClojureScript

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#328 uplifted a number of tests of the ability of Clara to run accumulators to use def-rules-test, and thus to run against both Clojure and ClojureScript. Most of these tests pass, but several pass in Clojure but not in ClojureScript. We need to diagnose why this is and then take appropriate action, whether fixing the tests if the tests are in error or logging issues if we have ClojureScript-only bugs.

These tests are in the test-accumulation file and are in blocks like

#?(:clj def-rules-test passes-only-in-clj-test ....)

This was fixed by #332. It turned out to be a flaw in the tests, rather than a bug in Clara, so I updated the labels accordingly. The problem is described on the PR.
