
Endless loop

maacl opened this issue · 1 comments

maacl commented

Below results in an endless loop. I would expect the rule to stop matching -> nothing inserted -> steady state after the first match.

I am using:

[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.1"]
[com.cerner/clara-rules "0.20.0"]]
(defrule test-rule
    "test guard"
    [:not [:guard (= (:active this) true)]]
      (println "Inserting guard!")
      (insert! {:type :guard :active true})))
  (-> (mk-session [test-rule]
                  :fact-type-fn :type)
maacl commented

Got answer from slack:

the rules attempt to find a logical consistency balance

Your rule Left side condition is invalidated when the right side inserts.
The engine then retracts that’s fact because it is no longer logically supported.
It’s called the truth maintenance system
Then it can activate again and re insert. And again it invalidates itself. So it’s logical looping