
Run Script Button Accessible from Extension?

markwill-repos opened this issue · 4 comments

Is it possible to access the Run Script button in a Worksheet from an extension?

This is being considered to be able to disable/enable the button during extension processing.

Please advise if additional details are needed. Keeping it short and simple to start.

Hmm, it may just be the mail integration being slow, but just in case,

Like most things, "It depends". In general the answer is no. The actions are local to the individual worksheet. The worksheet busy internal state that controls if the run buttons are enabled is private. There is a slim chance depending on exactly how your extension recognizes / wraps the SQL execution for tracing.

I suspected that there would be internal considerations but wanted to toss this question out there all the same. I appreciate the reply. We'll have a think about things and see where it leads.

Closing this question. I think we have enough information based on latest internal discussion here. Thanks!

Any time.