
oci_identity_policy error when creating dynamic groups in a loop

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Terraform throws errors when policy syntax is included when creating dynamic groups. If I attempt to use the id of the compartment or tenancy in the policy_compartment_id field , TF will fail in provisioning.

VERSION: Terraform v0.14.7


module "CreateDynamicGroup" {
        source            = "./modules/iam-dynamic-group"
        tenancy_ocid      = var.tenancy_ocid
        for_each = module.CreateCompartment
                dynamic_group_name              = "${each.value.compartment_name}_dynamic_group"
                dynamic_group_description       = "${each.value.compartment_name} dynamic group"
                matching_rule                   = "Any {Any { = '${each.value.compartment_id}'}}"
                policy_compartment_id           =  each.value.compartment_id
                policy_name                     = "${each.value.compartment_name}_instance_principal"
                policy_description              = "${each.value.compartment_name} instance principal policy"
                policy_statements               = [
                "Allow dynamic-group ${each.value.compartment_name}_dynamic_group to manage objects in ${each.value.compartment_name}",
                "Allow dynamic-group ${each.value.compartment_name}_dynamic_group to manage buckets in ${each.value.compartment_name}"



Error: Service error:InvalidParameter. 'syntax error starting with <example_prod>'@'line 1, char 64'
. http status code: 400. Opc request id: 0622...shortened_for_brevity

  on modules/iam-dynamic-group/ line 40, in resource "oci_identity_policy" "this":
  40: resource "oci_identity_policy" "this" {

Error: Service error:InvalidParameter. 'syntax error starting with <example_lower>'@'line 1, char 65'
. http status code: 400. Opc request id: 2e1b9168.......shortened_for_brevity

  on modules/iam-dynamic-group/ line 40, in resource "oci_identity_policy" "this":
  40: resource "oci_identity_policy" "this" {

Closing. Damn typo. Profuse apologies.