
Child modules does not support provider

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I am using iam-dynamic-group child module, and I am getting below mentioned error. Seems like resources need to update to support provider. IAM resources can only provision in home region.

I have same issue before with compartment, and due to the same reason I had to re implement compartment with following snippet.

resource "oci_identity_compartment" "compartment" {
  compartment_id = var.compartment_root_id
  description    = var.compartment_description
  name           = var.compartment_name
  enable_delete  = true

  provider = oci.home

Below is the error I am facing...

│ Error: Reference to undefined provider
│   on line 28, in module "iam_autoscaler":
│   28:     oci.home = oci.home
│ The child module does not declare any provider requirement with the local
│ name "oci.home".
│ If you also control the child module, you can add a required_providers
│ entry named "oci.home" with the source address "oracle/oci" to accept this
│ provider configuration.

I can contribute to the module to support the provider, if contributions is open.
