
[5.x] v5.0.0-RC5 BUG preventing adding custom NAT Route rules

lodotek opened this issue · 1 comments

var.nat_gateway_route_rules is ignored on module "oke" source = "oracle-terraform-modules/oke/oci" version = "5.0.0-RC4"

As a result, my custom NAT route rule ie:

nat_gateway_route_rules = [
    destination       = "" # Route Rule Destination CIDR
    destination_type  = "CIDR_BLOCK"  # only CIDR_BLOCK is supported at the moment
    network_entity_id = "drg"         # for nat_gateway_route_rules input variable, you can use special strings "drg", "nat_gateway" or pass a valid OCID using string or any Named Values
    description       = "Route to Phoenix"

Tries to be deleted, due to the filter on the route rules:

  dynamic "route_rules" {
    # * filter var.nat_gateway_route_rules for routes with "drg" as destination
    # * and steer traffic to the module created DRG
    for_each = var.nat_gateway_route_rules != null ? { for k, v in var.nat_gateway_route_rules : k => v
    if v.network_entity_id == "drg" } : {}

    content {
      destination       = route_rules.value.destination
      destination_type  = route_rules.value.destination_type
      network_entity_id = oci_core_drg.drg[0].id
      description       = route_rules.value.description

but it looks like var.nat_gateway_route_rules is not making it down into the child module.

Please advise.

hyder commented

resolved in #842