
segmentation fault while closing connection pool to db

arvydasKezunas opened this issue · 2 comments

  1. What versions are you using?
    nodejs version: v20.16.0
    process.platform | linux
    process.version | v20.16.0
    process.arch | x64
    oracle.versionString | 5.5.0
    oracle.oracleClientVersion 2113000000

  2. Describe the problem
    sometimes after calling and point and closing connection pool to database i`m getting segmentation fault error that crashes the application and restarts it, issue is reproducable only on dockerized container.


adding logs just before crash happened with last log before crashing

Hi @arvydasKezunas Please upgrade to the latest version of node-oracledb 6.6.

Starting from node-oracledb 6.0 onwards, we have the 'Thin' and 'Thick' modes.
The Thin mode is written purely in JavaScript and does not require Oracle Client libraries to connect to Oracle Database. We also made Thin mode as the default mode in node-oracledb 6.0.
Please see the following blogs to understand the Thin and Thick modes in node-oracledb:

Node-oracledb 6.0

How do I choose between Thin and Thick modes

If your application does not use the Oracle Database advanced features and does not require Thick mode-only features, an upgrade of node-oracledb to the latest version (6.6) should work for you.

thank you for response, it worked