
Ansible Module - oci_identity_provider - Parameter 'metadata_url'

vijaykri-in opened this issue · 7 comments

Issue Report

Describe the issue
Currently we are trying to automate our internal federation using 'oci_identity_provider' module, but this module requires 'metadata_url', where as in Console it asks only the following details

  1. Oracle Identity Cloud Service Base URL
  2. Client ID
  3. Client Secret

How do we automate with these details using above ansible module?? and why are we asking metadata_url parameter in ansible module? is it possible to automate federation with above given details.

Expected behavior
how to use this module to automate federation with above listed details


  • OS version: OL7.8

  • Ansible version:

    ansible 2.9.6
    config file = None
    configured module search path = [u'/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', u'/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
    ansible python module location = /root/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible
    executable location = /root/bin/ansible
    python version = 2.7.5 (default, Nov 27 2019, 09:57:45) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-39.0.1)]

  • OCI Python SDK version:


  • OCI Ansible Modules version:


Ansible playbook to reproduce the issue


In the documentation, metadata URL is required:

Here is an example:

This is the API behind the Ansible playbook:
SAML2 (See CreateSaml2IdentityProviderDetails)


Thanks for the update. Why metadata_url is required only for automation ? The same is not required in web console. Currently we do not have metadata_url details.. in that case how can we go with automation ?

The Oracle Identity Cloud Service Base URL has the metadata if you add this path: /fed/v1/metadata

Here is the documentation:
The easiest way to federate with Oracle Identity Cloud Service is through the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, although you could do it programmatically with the API. If you're using the Console, you're asked to provide a base URL instead of the metadata URL. The base URL is the left-most part of the URL in the browser window when you're signed in to the Identity Cloud Service console:

Base URL: <Identity Cloud Service account name>

If you're using the API to federate, you need to provide the metadata URL, which is the base URL with /fed/v1/metadata appended, like so:

Metadata URL: <Identity Cloud Service account name>

The metadata URL links directly to the IdP-provided XML required to federate. If you're using the API, you need to provide both the metadata URL and the metadata itself when federating. For more information, see Managing Identity Providers in the API.

SInce metadata content is also required, you can get it from the metadata url and pass it to the module:

  • name: Get content
    return_content: yes
    register: metadata_result

  • name: create an identity provider
    compartment_id: "{{ tenancy_ocid }}"
    description: "{{ test_identity_provider_description }}"
    freeform_attributes: "{{ test_identity_provider_freeform_attributes }}"
    freeform_tags: "{{ test_identity_provider_freeform_tags }}"
    metadata: "{{ metadata_result.content }}"
    name: "{{ test_identity_provider_name }}"
    product_type: "{{ test_identity_provider_product_type }}"
    protocol: "{{ test_identity_provider_protocol }}"
    register: create_identity_provider_result

@nalsaber Thank you for the inputs, we have tried above given method, we are getting below error:

TASK [oci_idcs_federation : Get content] *******************************************************************************************************************************************************************
Wednesday 06 May 2020 10:15:59 +0000 (0:00:00.079) 0:00:10.912 *********
ok: [AUCALVA01-IAM -> localhost]

TASK [oci_idcs_federation : Create an identity providerCreate an identity provider] ************************************************************************************************************************
Wednesday 06 May 2020 10:16:07 +0000 (0:00:07.565) 0:00:18.478 *********
fatal: [AUCALVA01-IAM -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "{'status': 400, 'message': u'Invalid xml string. Content is not allowed in prolog.', 'code': u'InvalidSAMLMetadata', 'opc-request-id': '4B37DED0D7C44781919BF25A6DBA0B1E/51567F1AA268E4CB48EFA6BB90D061A2/6E20E527E3B505A048E8D5CDFFE09696'}"}

Can you check the content of the URL ?
It looks like it is not XML (Error: Invalid xml string.)

The legacy OCI Ansible modules have been deprecated in favor of the new OCI Ansible collection. These are no longer supported and there will be no further updates or fixes. Please migrate to the OCI Ansible collection for improved features and continued support. Refer to the Migration Guide for best practices.