
Misleading exception when endpoint isn't configured. java.lang.NullPointerException: "this.httpClient" is null

e3ndr opened this issue · 0 comments

This is a low-priority issue, but when calling the API without an endpoint the SDK appears to not be configuring the http client, rather than throwing an error early-on informing the user that an endpoint is required. This only occurs on 3.x, 2.x properly throws an error for the missing endpoint early-on.

Code to reproduce:

        this.containerClient = ContainerInstanceClient
            // .endpoint("") // Omit to reproduce.
        // Call any API now.


Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because "this.httpClient" is null
 	... 5 more

It should also be noted that the Oracle docs that give the SDK copy/paste examples don't tell you that you need to configure the endpoint.