
Running ShowOCI_CSV2ADW issue

xjuarez opened this issue · 4 comments

Version : 23.04.11
OracleDB : Thick Drivers

Connecting to database ADWCUSG_low...Connected

  1. OCI_SHOWOCI_COMPUTE compute.csv
    DatabaseError at procedure: handle_table() - before executemany - ORA-12899: value too large for column "USAGE"."OCI_SHOWOCI_COMPUTE_TMP"."SECURITY_GROUPS" (actual: 2092, maximum: 1000)

DatabaseError at procedure: handle_table() - before executemany - ORA-12899: value too large for column "USAGE"."OCI_SHOWOCI_COMPUTE_TMP"."SECURITY_GROUPS" (actual: 2092, maximum: 1000)
Finish Tue Jun 27 23:10:30 GMT 2023 - local with **** Errors ****
Completed at Tue Jun 27 23:10:30 GMT 2023..

Hi Xavier

I will push new fix for next Tuesday
To have it fixed for you, please run the below commands:

alter table USAGE.OCI_SHOWOCI_COMPUTE modify (SECURITY_GROUPS varchar2(4000));
alter table USAGE.OCI_SHOWOCI_COMPUTE_TMP modify (SECURITY_GROUPS varchar2(4000));

I created pull request internally to merge on 7.4.2023

Excellent, worked perfect
Thank you

Hi Xavier, if issue solved, can you please close the ticket ?
Appreciate it.