
[feat] kms.getKey return the SigningAlgorithm used in key creation

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Currently, the returned info from kms.getKey come in following format

  definedTags: {},
  displayName: 'ec',
  freeformTags: {},

  keyShape: { algorithm: 'ECDSA', length: 32, curveId: 'NIST_P256' },
  protectionMode: 'SOFTWARE',
  lifecycleState: 'ENABLED',
  timeCreated: '2022-07-07T08:04:11.437Z',
  timeOfDeletion: null,
  restoredFromKeyId: null,
  replicaDetails: undefined,
  isPrimary: true,
  autoKeyRotationSchedule: null,
  autoKeyRotationStatus: null,
  externalKeyReference: null

While we can guess and map it back to enum SigningAlgorithm, can we let it return exactly same with the SigningAlgorithm string?

enum SigningAlgorithm {
        Sha224RsaPkcsPss = "SHA_224_RSA_PKCS_PSS",
        Sha256RsaPkcsPss = "SHA_256_RSA_PKCS_PSS",
        Sha384RsaPkcsPss = "SHA_384_RSA_PKCS_PSS",
        Sha512RsaPkcsPss = "SHA_512_RSA_PKCS_PSS",
        Sha224RsaPkcs1V15 = "SHA_224_RSA_PKCS1_V1_5",
        Sha256RsaPkcs1V15 = "SHA_256_RSA_PKCS1_V1_5",
        Sha384RsaPkcs1V15 = "SHA_384_RSA_PKCS1_V1_5",
        Sha512RsaPkcs1V15 = "SHA_512_RSA_PKCS1_V1_5",
        EcdsaSha256 = "ECDSA_SHA_256",
        EcdsaSha384 = "ECDSA_SHA_384",
        EcdsaSha512 = "ECDSA_SHA_512"

close, I make a mistatke here.