
How to estimate cost through API?

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I see the Cloud Cost Estimator tool and I would like to interact with it through API -- given a list of instances return the total cost. Is it possible? Can't find anything in the docs.

Hi @samuelastech, the cost estimator tool doesn't have a public API to interact with.

We do have a list price API that is documented here:

Hi @samuelastech , closing this ticket for now based on my above comments. Please feel free to reopen if you need more info.

Hi @KartikShrikantHegde, I do need more info.

The price list doesn't have information about E2 instances but I do need it because there are some instances on my side. Where could I get this information?

Hi @samuelastech , I will ask the service team to review your ask.

Ok, thanks. I will be waiting

If I could find the skuPartNumber of a given OCID, my problem would be solved...
The UsageAPI brings it to me sometimes, but not always.

Hi @samuelastech , Can you try this API - ?

For example, this will return a list of all prices:
E2 is also listed there.

Hi @samuelastech , Did you give the above API a try?

I am going to close this ticket for now, please feel free to re-open if you still face issues. Thanks.