
TypeError: imageStream.pipe is not a function

Opened this issue · 5 comments

I'm encountering an issue while using the GetObjectResponse object from the OCI Object Storage library. When trying to use the .pipe() method on the value property of the GetObjectResponse, I receive the following error:

TypeError: imageStream.pipe is not a function

Expected Behavior:
The .pipe() method should work as expected on the value property, allowing the stream content to be piped to a response object.

Actual Behavior:
Encountering the "TypeError: imageStreamValue.pipe is not a function" error when attempting to use .pipe() on the value property.


async getImageAsStream(folderName: string, imageName: string): Promise<GetObjectResponse | null> {
    try {
      const authenticationProvider =  this.createAuthenticationProvider();
      const objectStorageClient = new ObjectStorageClient({
        authenticationDetailsProvider: authenticationProvider,
      const objectName = folderName + '/' + imageName;
      const getObjectRequest = {
        namespaceName: process.env.OCI_NAMESPACE + '',
        bucketName: process.env.OCI_BUCKET_NAME + '',
        objectName: objectName,

      const getObjectResponse = await objectStorageClient.getObject(getObjectRequest);

      if (getObjectResponse) {

        return getObjectResponse;
      return null;
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Error fetching image stream:', error);
      return null;

Below is my controller:-


  async getImageStream(
    @param.path.string('folderName') folderName: string,
    @param.path.string('imageName') imageName: string,
    @inject(RestBindings.Http.RESPONSE) response: Response,
  ): Promise<any> {
    const ociResponse = await this.cloudStorageService.getImageAsStream(folderName, imageName);

    if (ociResponse) {
    	imageStream = ociResponse.value;
        response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'image/png');
    } else {
      response.status(404).send('Image not found');

Hi @shamnad-sherief , what version of the SDK and NodeJS are you using?

Hi @shamnad-sherief , what version of the SDK and NodeJS are you using?

 "oci-sdk": "^2.68.0",
 node -v  >>   v18.16.0

does your response has value?
const response = await this.objectStorageClient.getObject(getObjectRequest);
i got an empty response.value

No problem with response value.

ReadableStream { locked: false, state: 'readable', supportsBYOB: false }

But it is quiet different from the old version.

@shamnad-sherief I have the same issue. Did you find a solution?

Later add. In node 20 getObject returns a web stream, which needs to be converted to a node stream:

if (response.value instanceof Readable) {
    return response.value;
return Readable.fromWeb(response.value);