
Alloy config

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi, I get an error

Alloy config file not found at [object Object], enabling all OCI services as default

There for sure should not be the [object Object]. It's because of this:

        "Alloy config file not found at " +
          { configFilePath } +
          ", enabling all OCI services as default"

The { } around configFilePath should not be there

Second thing is, that I don't want to provide that file, can I configure the SDK by some parameter to some constructor? Thanks

Thanks for reporting this issue, @mariusrak. We are currently working on a fix for this.

Hey, I would like to know if there is a way for the SDK not to request any of the alloys; it slows down my express loading and all stuff configured.env file by me

Hi @shlomoweb1 this issue has been fixed in the latest version of the SDK. Please upgrade the SDK and you will no longer see alloy related loading/messages.

This issue has been fixed.