
Vote: Archive this repository

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Please LGTM if folks are in favor or archiving the repository REJECT with reasoning.

Update status as per outcome of this issue - #118


As detailed in #119:
I believe this is a matter of when, not if.
As such, I'm a not yet vote.
This ORAS Artifact Spec sub-project was created to make fast and iterative validations of designs and implementation.
The recent OCI discussions for closing down the spec, determining registry support for the artifact manifest and the referrers api illustrate this work may not be done.
I'm happy to keep focus in OCI at this point, but I don't see the need to rush in archiving before the specs are released.

LGTM and having a date by which this gets applied might be something we can capture.
Does 4 weeks from now seems ok?

With the release of OCI Spec 1.1, this repository can be archived