
Github Actions with ansible-lint for ansible-oracle

Rendanic opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi Mikaeel,
I am working on a huge PR (opitzconsulting#64) at the moment.
The PR implements Github Actions with ansible-lint for syntax and formatting checks for ansible-oracle.

This currently works for nearly all roles. See .ansiblelint for exceptions.

I did a lot of formatting on all roles to make it usable with ansible-lint. The PR is on top of our current oc-Branch. I'll create some PRs, to bring the master on same level as the oc on our site.

It is a huge step for the project and it needs a lot of refactoring on many roles in the future.


Thank you so much for all your efforts, I really appreciate it!

I worked on merging all changes from oc-branch to master with lot of PRs as preparation for the final ansible-lint PR.

The following PRs from ansible-oracle-modules are merged into #255:

This is the list of all open PRs at the moment:

We did a lot more changes on our site and I am still working on some interesting stuff for the future.
My main problem is the merge from oc to master.

We should discuss the future of our branch and master on oravirt. The current stae is, that both repositories are for away from sync...

Could I get a feedback from you, @oravirt ?

Planned for 3.0.0

merged with #260